As educators we love our summers. One year finishes and a fresh start begins. During the summer we relax, recharge mentally, and reflect on what went well. We use this time to regain focus and look for inspiration from our peers. This year, SMART Technologies hosted the Global SEE Summit and I was honored to attend and participate in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at SMART headquarters. I find inspiration in many places, but sharing the experience with 76 educators from 21 countries is one I will cherish above all others.
The most rewarding thing I will take away was the sheer delight collaborating with these amazing educators and listening to their story. I am a science and engineering teacher. I use technology to engage kids. I believe in a student centered classroom and I want kids solving challenges. As I shared my story I was amazed how similar it sounded to teachers from Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, even South Africa, and Russia! I was worried that the district I teach in had unique issues and others would not relate to kids from poverty or large urban districts. I soon realized that this global summit was designed to teach me exactly that. I realized that my students need to be learning from all these brilliant educators and they have something to teach the world as well. I learned that my students each have a genius and it is best expressed in a collaborative classroom. I also learned that collaborative classrooms are ones where everyone is free to share, make mistakes, present their ideas, and learn from one another. This was the model at the Global SEE Summit and it had a powerful effect. Laughing and learning and working together. Thanks to all my fellow SEEs and the many SMARTians who made it possible. You all inspire me.
The most rewarding thing I will take away was the sheer delight collaborating with these amazing educators and listening to their story. I am a science and engineering teacher. I use technology to engage kids. I believe in a student centered classroom and I want kids solving challenges. As I shared my story I was amazed how similar it sounded to teachers from Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, even South Africa, and Russia! I was worried that the district I teach in had unique issues and others would not relate to kids from poverty or large urban districts. I soon realized that this global summit was designed to teach me exactly that. I realized that my students need to be learning from all these brilliant educators and they have something to teach the world as well. I learned that my students each have a genius and it is best expressed in a collaborative classroom. I also learned that collaborative classrooms are ones where everyone is free to share, make mistakes, present their ideas, and learn from one another. This was the model at the Global SEE Summit and it had a powerful effect. Laughing and learning and working together. Thanks to all my fellow SEEs and the many SMARTians who made it possible. You all inspire me.